The Marriage of Music and Art
Join The Wires String Duo with curator Robert Gann as they present a collaborative concert series that connects music, art and audience at the Habitat Contemporary Gallery.
Musician/composers from The Wires String Duo will compose 12 world premiere musical works in 6 concerts, inspired by each of the artists showing at the Habitat Gallery.
Each concert will also include additional original compositions and dialogue between the audience, artists and musicians to create a conversation that cross pollinates the mediums of visual art and music.
All concerts are at Habitat Contemporary Gallery (2012 Baltimore Kansas City, MO) at 7pm.
Come to all 6 concerts or attend ala carte:
August 13th, 2022
October 8th, 2022
December 16th, 2022
February 11th, 2022
April 1th, 2022
June 17th, 2022